Wakatobi National Park

Wakatobi National Park is underwater park in Indonesia. With an area of ​​about 1.39 million hectares, Wakatobi National Park has the potential of marine natural resources of great value, both the type and uniqueness, which presents a panorama of stunning underwater. In general, the waters have started from a flat configuration, sloping towards the sea, and steep bertubir. Varying water depths up to 1044 meters with most of the sandy bottom and rocky. The park consists of four major islands, namely-scented fragrance, Kaledupa, Tomia, and Binongko located in Wakatobi, Southeast Sulawesi. The potential of marine natural resources and high value Idah underwater panorama that makes Wakatobi National Park was nominated to the UNESCO to be one of the World Heritage Site.

 In 1994, several people joined in the IPB team conducted a survey in Wakatobi. From the results of a survey they did was revealed, that in the Wakatobi there is a wide range of subsea natural resources, such as coral reefs and various marine animals. Because it has a natural wealth under the sea, the region presents a panorama of the sea that is so charming and wonderful as a place to dive. After carefully studying the results of IPB team's findings, the Minister of Forestry in 1996 issued a decree that sets No.393/Kpts-V/1996 Wakatobi national park. Daftar tempat wisata di Indonesia - Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia

Give short answers

1.     What is the text mainly about?

2.     Make a definition of a Wakatobi National Park using your own words.

3.     Can you mention some other nation Wakatobi National Park agencies.?

4.     Read the last line, do you know what is means?

5.     According to the writer, where was Wakatobi National Park is published?

Choose the best option

1.     In the first paragraph, the explaining is.......

a.      Reporting current Wakatobi National Park.

b.     Describing what a Wakatobi National Park.

c.      Explaining kind of Wakatobi National Park.

2.     According to the writer, paper where is Wakatobi National Park located.

a.      Makassar

b.     Wakatobi

c.      Sulawesi



date Minggu, 27 Mei 2012

Somba Opu In Makassar
According to our Guide, "Somba Opu" within 25 miles of the city of Makassar. From the direction of Jl. Paradise (as a center of Makassar), en route to the "Somba Opu" can be taken for 15 minutes by private vehicle or public transportation in the form of taxis, motorcycles, and pete-pete (car microbus). We took a bus provided by the travel group."Somba Opu" located at Jalan Daeng Tata, Makassar, South Sulawesi Province, Indonesia "..

 Our guide also explained that "Somba Opu" was built by the Sultan of Gowa-IX named Daeng Matanre Karaeng Tumpa'risi 'Kallonna in 1525. In the mid-16th century, "Somba Opu" is a trading center and port of the spices are visited by foreign traders from Asia and from Europe. On June 24, 1669, "Somba Opu" is controlled by the VOC and then destroyed until submerged by tidal waves. In the 1980s, "Somba Opu" was rediscovered by several scientists. In 1990, the building "Somba Opu" broken reconstructed so that it looks more beautiful. Currently, "Somba Opu" becomes a very interesting tourist attraction, is as a historical museum..
Further explained by our Guide, that "Somba Opu" built of clay and egg whites instead of cement. In arsitekturial, "Somba Opu" is rectangular, with a length of about 2 km, 7 to 8 feet high, and the extent of about 1,500 hectares. The whole building "Somba Opu" is lined with walls thick enough, how much thickness is not explained by our Guide. In the "Somba Opu", there are some traditional houses of South Sulawesi (representing the Bugis, Makassar, Mandar, and Kajang), a cannon named "Great Baluwara" 9 meters long with a weight of 9500 kg, and a museum containing objects historic heritage objects of the Sultanate of Gowa. By visiting "Somba Opu" This group we can


much information about the history and culture of various ethnic groups in South Sulawesi. In the complex "Somba Opu 'Guide is also provided services that can help our group who wanted to know about everything related to" Somba Opu "this.
After completion of the "Somba Opu", our group went on tour to the Palace of Greatness of Gowa Kingdom "Balla Lompoa"..Benteng Somba Opu, Potensi Wisata Sejarah Yang Diabaikan

List of vocabulary 

1. within          :  Dalam

2.  guide            : buku pedoman 

3. visited           : kunjungan 

4.  become         : menjadi

5. traditional    : traditional

Question part
1.      What  the type text is used by the writer?
2.      The communicative purpose of this text?
3.      What is the main idea of the paragraph two?
4.      Do you like reading Or listening to the text?
Remember and find the meaning in the dictionary and choose one is like above the text?
1.      News                     : …………………………….
2.      Information          : …………………………….
3.      Event                     : …………………………….
4.      Newspaper            : …………………………….
5.      Broadcaster          : …………………………….
6.      Document              : …………………………….

Write this text from synonym and antonym








Fort Rotterdam
Fort Rotterdam or Fort Ujung Pandang (Fri length) is a fortress of the Kingdom of Gowa-Tallo heritage. The location of the fort was located on the west coast city of Makassar, South Sulawesi.

The fort was built in 1545 by Gowa-9 named Daeng Bonto I manrigau Karaeng Lakieng Tumapa'risi 'kallonna. This fort was originally made ​​from clay, but in the reign of King of Gowa-14 Sultan Alauddin construction of the fort was changed to stone sourced from the Karst Mountains in the Maros. Ujung Pandang fortress is shaped like a turtle who wanted to crawl down into the ocean. In terms of the shape is very clear philosophy Gowa kingdom, that turtles can live on land and sea. So even with the Kingdom of Gowa who triumphed on land and at sea.
The original name of this fort is Fort Ujung Pandang, usually well-Gowa Makassar people call this fort as Fort Panyyua which is the headquarters of the kingdom of Gowa frogmen. Kingdom of Gowa-Tallo Bungayya finally signed an agreement which requires that one clause of the Kingdom of Gowa to surrender the fort to the Dutch. At the time the Dutch occupied the fort, the name changed to Fort Ujung Pandang Fort Rotterdam. Cornelis Speelman deliberately chose the name Fort Rotterdam to commemorate the birth in the Netherlands. This fort was later used by the Dutch as a central storage of spices in eastern Indonesia.. 
In the complex there are now Ujung Pandang fortress La Galigo Museum where there are many references on the history of the greatness of Makassar (Gowa-Tallo) and other areas in South Sulawesi. Large spans most of the building is still intact and become one of the attractions in the city of Makassar. Wisata Sejarah : Fort Rotterdam Makassar - Sulawesi Selatan

List of vocabulary
1.       Heritage                         : warisan, pusaka
2.      Construction                   : pembuatan , pembangunan
3.      Stone                              : batu
4.      Philosophy                      : filsafat
5.      Triumphant                     : dengan jaya
6.      Requires                         : memrlukan
7.      Surrender                                    : penyerahan
8.      Netherlands.                   : negeri belanda
9.      Storage                            : penyimpanan
10.  Greatness                                    : kebesaran

Question  part
1.      Who was explaining above the text ?
2.      Talk about  information in  the text ?
3.      What do you  know about this text?

Match  it with the places below this text !

1.      Jakarata
2.      Samarinda
3.      Makassar
4.      Australia
5.      Sulawesi 

Write this text from synonym and antonym






